

We suspect that you’ve been wondering why it is Microsoft don’t have a social network? Well, wonder no more. Their new network Socl went live to the general public this week. And it’s fair to say, it’s a Jack of all trades, rather than a master of one.

At its heart, it’s a social search concept. Users are encouraged to search (Bing) as they would on Google, but to uncover cool things for sharing. It’s quite image heavy – similar to Windows 8. Users login with Facebook or their Live account, and have their own profile page. Like Twitter they can follow people, and like Pinterest they can follow categories. And like Google+, they can have ‘Video Parties’, which sound livelier than Google’s ‘Hangouts’ (though they’re more focused on socially watching videos, than face-to-face talking). For more, Read on. Or [Watch].

Perhaps the most curious of features, is that users can see one-another’s searches in real time. That’s definitely unique, if a little disconcerting. Having initially launched to universities, (à la Facebook) it’s currently invite only. Apply [Here]. It’s one to watch.