
Facebook innovations, big and small

A couple of ad agency Facebook innovations struck us this week; one for its Orwellian fervour, and the other for its subtle, super-smart tweak to their Facebook brand page.

First up, FaceDeals, developed by ad agency Redpepper, is a new system which aims to deploy in-store facial recognition, to deliver deals seamlessly to opted-in Facebook users as they walk into a shop. Redpepper are quick to point out that the eye-in-the-sky has been developed independently of Facebook – perhaps sensitive to the fact it might not seem all that palatable to all!

Second up, Slovakian digital shop Zaraguza has been trying to make its Facebook page more interesting, and has managed to do so with some swagger. Creating the first ‘real-time Facebook cover’, every minute or so the splash image of their page changes, streaming pictures of their office directly into the online world. It immediately offers a wealth of potential interactivity with their visitors, and we love it.